Study of psychedelic users: 52% had an intensely challenging trip, 45% thought no good had come of it

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  • June 14, 2023
  • Stephanie Lake, Philippe Lucas
  • Psychedelic Medicine
  • Study of psychedelic users: 52% had an intensely challenging trip, 45% thought no good had come of it
  • The Canadian Psychedelic Survey: Characteristics, Patterns of Use, and Access in a Large Sample of People Who Use Psychedelic Drugs
  • Over half of Canadian Psychedelic Survey respondents experienced challenging psychedelic trips, with common issues including mental overload and social paranoia, and 45% perceived no benefits from these difficult experiences.

The Canadian Psychedelic Survey (CPS) represents a landmark effort to understand the current landscape of psychedelic drug use within Canada, providing insights into the characteristics of users, their access sources, usage patterns, purposes, and the contexts in which these substances are consumed. Analyzing responses from 2,045 individuals, the survey reveals a demographic predominantly comprised of individuals with a mean age of 38.4 years, of which 56% are female. Psilocybin, MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) emerge as the most frequently used psychedelics.A notable revelation from the CPS is the diverse motivations behind psychedelic use, which include fun, self-exploration, enhancement of general mental well-being, and personal growth. The survey's findings on experiences associated with psychedelic drug use are particularly striking, with 82% of respondents reporting intense positive experiences and 52% reporting intense challenging experiences. Interestingly, more than half of those who encountered challenging experiences acknowledged that these experiences ultimately led to some form of positive outcome.The CPS's multivariable analysis further delves into the factors associated with these intense experiences. It finds that intense positive experiences are significantly correlated with a higher perceived quality of the psychedelic experience and motivations related to fun and self-exploration. In contrast, intense challenging experiences are linked to motives including trauma management, seeking fun, and alleviating boredom, alongside a higher perceived intensity of the psychedelic experience.This comprehensive survey sheds light on the complex and multifaceted nature of psychedelic drug use in Canada, highlighting not only the broad spectrum of experiences encountered by users but also the positive transformations that can emerge even from challenging trips. These nuanced insights contribute valuable knowledge to the ongoing dialogue around clinical research and policy development, advocating for informed and safe access to psychedelic drugs. This evidence underscores the need for a balanced approach in policy-making that considers the therapeutic potentials of psychedelics, as well as the importance of context and intention in shaping users' experiences, ultimately guiding towards more effective harm reduction strategies and public health policies.

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