Psychedelics Can Alter Psychological Functioning, Safety Ensured By Proper Procedures

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  • March 1, 2020
  • Jacob S. Aday, Emily K Bloesch, Cayla M. Mitzkovitz
  • Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
  • Psychedelics Can Alter Psychological Functioning, Safety Ensured By Proper Procedures
  • Long-term effects of psychedelic drugs: A systematic review
  • Long-term changes in psychological functioning, including personality, attitudes, depression, spirituality, and wellbeing, can occur after the use of psychedelics like psilocybin, with limited adverse side effects when proper screening, preparation, supervision, and integration are in place.


Psychedelic drugs have historically been associated with recreational use and counterculture movements, but recent research highlights their potential therapeutic applications, particularly for mental health issues.

Findings from Systematic Review

A comprehensive systematic review synthesizing the results of 34 contemporary experimental studies has shed light on the long-term effects of these substances, particularly focusing on classic psychedelics and their enduring impacts on human subjects. This body of work, much of it published in the last five years, primarily investigates the effects of psilocybin, the most frequently administered psychedelic compound in these studies.The review reveals significant enduring changes in several psychological domains following psychedelic use, including personality and attitude adjustments, depression, spirituality, anxiety, wellbeing, substance misuse, meditative practices, and mindfulness. These lasting changes are often associated with experiences described as mystical, involving feelings of connectedness, emotional breakthroughs, and increased neural entropy. Such experiences have been linked to long-term improvements in psychological functioning.

Implications for Harm Reduction

Importantly, the review emphasizes that when administered with appropriate screening, preparation, supervision, and integration, psychedelics have shown limited aversive side effects. This finding is crucial for harm reduction perspectives, suggesting that with proper controls, the risks associated with psychedelic use can be managed effectively.

Recommendations for Future Research

The research calls for future studies to focus on expanding the diversity of samples, extending the length of longitudinal designs, strengthening control conditions, and standardizing dosages to further understand the potentials and limitations of psychedelic drugs in therapeutic contexts.


This systematic review provides valuable insights for harm reduction and safety in the context of increasing public interest and potential therapeutic uses of psychedelics, highlighting the importance of controlled settings to mitigate risks while exploring the benefits these substances may offer for mental health treatment (Aday, Mitzkovitz, Bloesch, Davoli, & Davis, 2020).

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