Psychedelic use risks mitigated by harm-reduction strategies

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  • March 1, 2018
  • Genís Ona, ,
  • Journal of Psychedelic Studies
  • Psychedelic use risks mitigated by harm-reduction strategies
  • Inside bad trips: Exploring extra-pharmacological factors
  • Recreational use of psychedelics, consumption in large outdoor spaces, inexperience with the drug, mixing drugs, and ignorance about purity or dosage are factors commonly associated with adverse reactions or 'bad trips', which can potentially be mitigated through harm-reduction strategies.

Psychedelic substances have become increasingly popular for their profound effects on consciousness, perception, and emotion. However, not all experiences are positive; some individuals encounter "bad trips," which can be distressing and potentially dangerous. Understanding the factors contributing to these adverse reactions is crucial for mitigating risks and promoting safer use of psychedelics. This study aimed to clarify the influence of extra-pharmacological factors on the etiology of bad trips through a descriptive approach, employing a web-based survey targeted at individuals who have experienced bad trips.The findings reveal several variables commonly associated with adverse reactions during psychedelic use. Notably, recreational consumption, especially in large, open outdoor spaces, and lack of experience with the drug were significant factors. Furthermore, issues such as mixing different substances, ignorance about the purity or the dosage of the drugs, emerged as contributing factors that can exacerbate the likelihood of a bad trip. These problems highlight the importance of harm-reduction strategies that can provide guidance on safer drug use practices, such as educating users on the risks of mixing substances and the importance of being aware of drug purity and proper dosing.Although this study sheds light on certain aspects that could be related to the occurrence of bad trips, it is important to note that a causal connection cannot be definitively established based on the current data. The complexity of individual reactions to psychedelics, influenced by a myriad of factors including set and setting, personal psychology, and the physical environment, underscores the challenge of pinpointing specific causes. Therefore, further research, particularly prospective studies with larger sample sizes, is recommended to gather more comprehensive information on the role of extra-pharmacological factors in the etiology of bad trips.In conclusion, while psychedelic substances can offer unique and meaningful experiences, they also carry risks that necessitate a cautious and informed approach to use. By understanding and addressing the extra-pharmacological factors associated with bad trips, individuals can minimize risks and enhance the safety and positive outcomes of their psychedelic experiences.

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