Psychedelic-Supportive Psychotherapy' Model Balances Harm Reduction and Therapeutic Gains

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  • January 16, 2023
  • Elizabeth Wolfson
  • Journal of Psychedelic Studies
  • Psychedelic-Supportive Psychotherapy' Model Balances Harm Reduction and Therapeutic Gains
  • Psychedelic-supportive psychotherapy: A psychotherapeutic model for, before and beyond the medicine experience
  • "Psychedelic-Supportive Psychotherapy" provides a legally and ethically aligned model for therapists to enhance harm reduction by supporting clients' emotional and psychological growth through and beyond their psychedelic experiences.


The resurgence of interest in psychedelic medicines, evidenced by increasing research, potential legalization, and professional training, highlights a significant shift toward embracing the therapeutic benefits of these substances. "Psychedelic-Supportive Psychotherapy" emerges as a novel model proposed for psychotherapists to navigate the legal and ethical landscapes while supporting clients who are either considering or already engaging with psychedelics. This model, crucial for harm reduction, acknowledges the complex nature of psychedelic experiences and aims to prepare therapists to effectively assist clients through their psychological journeys, emphasizing the therapeutic relationship as a cornerstone of change.

Timely Intervention

The model's introduction is timely, addressing a gap in current practices by providing guidelines for therapists to offer support adjacent to the psychedelic experience without direct involvement in the medicine session. It responds to the growing need for a structured approach to help clients process their experiences within a safe and understanding therapeutic context, thereby enhancing the potential benefits of psychedelics for emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth.

Comprehensive Framework

By prioritizing the therapist-client relationship and drawing from the extensive field of knowledge around psychedelics, the model offers a comprehensive framework for practitioners to facilitate client exploration and integration of their psychedelic experiences, paving the way for broader access to psychedelic-assisted therapy across diverse communities.

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