Psychedelic Substances Can Cause Adverse Reactions, with Potential for Subtle, Permanent Changes

  • SOURCE ▸
  • November 1, 1984
  • Rick Strassman
  • The Journal of nervous and mental disease
  • Psychedelic Substances Can Cause Adverse Reactions, with Potential for Subtle, Permanent Changes
  • Adverse reactions to psychedelic drugs. A review of the literature
  • While psychedelic substances like LSD can have potentially beneficial psychological effects, they can also lead to adverse reactions ranging from benign, short-lived experiences to chronic, severe conditions, and while the question of permanent changes remains controversial, it generally points to subtle or nonsignificant changes.


Psychedelic drugs, both natural and synthetic, have been used for their mind-altering effects for thousands of years. Among these, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is the primary synthetic compound studied for its psychological impacts. Adverse reactions to these substances can vary greatly, presenting a challenge for clinical diagnosis. These reactions range from acute, short-lived episodes to chronic conditions with poor outcomes, and include delayed phenomena known as "flashbacks." While concerns about organic brain damage and lasting changes in personality, attitudes, and creativity have been controversial, the evidence suggests that these effects are subtle or nonsignificant. Despite these risks, the study of psychedelics offers potential for understanding their pharmacological, psychological, and therapeutic effects. This review emphasizes the need for future research to further explore these dimensions (Strassman, 1984).

Relevance of Understanding Adverse Reactions

The relevance of understanding adverse reactions to psychedelics lies in both the management of risks associated with their use and the exploration of their therapeutic potential. For harm reduction organizations, the key takeaway from this review is the importance of a nuanced approach to psychedelic use. This includes recognizing the spectrum of reactions—from beneficial psychological effects to potentially harmful adverse responses—and the factors influencing these outcomes. Understanding the classifications of adverse reactions and their temporal nature aids in developing strategies for minimizing harm and optimizing the benefits of psychedelics for therapeutic use. This knowledge supports the mission of increasing public awareness about the risks, harms, and safe use of psychedelic substances, contributing to informed decision-making and safer experiences for those choosing to use these compounds.

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