Psychedelic Research Revival Requires Careful Risk Consideration

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  • August 2, 2021
  • William R. Smith, MD, PhD, Paul S. Appelbaum, MD
  • JAMA.
  • Psychedelic Research Revival Requires Careful Risk Consideration
  • Two Models of Legalization of Psychedelic Substances: Reasons for Concern
  • The revival of psychedelic research and subsequent legalization initiatives in states like Oregon and California necessitate careful consideration of potential risks, drawing from precedents involving the legalization and commercialization of other controlled substances.


In the context of evolving attitudes and policies towards psychedelic substances, the paper "Two Models of Legalization of Psychedelic Substances: Reasons for Concern" by William R Smith and P. Appelbaum (2021) in JAMA provides a critical analysis of the legal landscape shaping the use and research of psychedelics (Smith & Appelbaum, 2021).

Legalization Models in Oregon and California

The paper meticulously reviews initiatives in Oregon and California, which represent two distinct approaches to the legalization of psychedelic possession and use. Oregon's model emphasizes regulated therapeutic use, whereas California's approach leans towards a more generalized decriminalization.

Historical Context and Research Restrictions

The legalization efforts are contrasted against a backdrop of historical restriction, which, since 1973, has classified psychedelics as Schedule I substances in the United States, severely limiting research and possession. Despite these constraints, recent studies have reignited interest in the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, suggesting benefits for a range of psychological conditions.

Challenges and Concerns

The paper highlights the significant challenges and concerns associated with the legalization and commercialization of psychedelics, drawing parallels with the histories of other controlled substances. This reflection is vital for organizations and individuals advocating for harm reduction and safe use of these substances.

Implications for Public Health and Safety

These differing paths raise important questions about the potential implications for public health, safety, and the future of psychedelic research. The paper cautions against unchecked enthusiasm, urging careful consideration of the broader implications of legalization and commercialization efforts.

Recommendations for Harm Reduction Advocates

For harm reduction advocates, the paper underscores the importance of learning from past experiences with controlled substances to navigate the challenges of psychedelic legalization. It suggests a need for comprehensive policies that balance access and therapeutic use with robust measures to prevent misuse and safeguard public health.


In summary, "Two Models of Legalization of Psychedelic Substances: Reasons for Concern" serves as a crucial resource for those engaged in the field of psychedelic harm reduction. It provides a nuanced perspective on the complex landscape of legalization, highlighting the delicate balance between harnessing the therapeutic potential of psychedelics and addressing the multifaceted concerns related to their wider use. This balance is essential for ensuring that the resurgence of interest in psychedelics leads to outcomes that are beneficial for individuals and society at large.

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