Psilocybin Safety Enhanced by Harm-Reduction Education, Avoiding Substance Mixing

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  • April 1, 2022
  • Emma I Kopra, Adam R Winstock, Allan H Young
  • Journal of Psychopharmacology
  • Psilocybin Safety Enhanced by Harm-Reduction Education, Avoiding Substance Mixing
  • Adverse experiences resulting in emergency medical treatment seeking following the use of magic mushrooms
  • While psilocybin mushrooms are relatively safe with serious incidents being rare and short-lasting, young age, poor mindset, poor setting, and mixing substances can increase the risk of adverse reactions, emphasizing the importance of harm-reduction education in preventing such effects.


Psilocybin-containing mushrooms, colloquially known as magic mushrooms, are increasingly used worldwide for recreational, spiritual, self-development, and therapeutic purposes. Despite their relatively low physiological toxicity, adverse reactions occasionally lead individuals to seek emergency medical treatment.

Study Findings

A comprehensive study utilizing data from the 2017 Global Drug Survey, which included 9,233 past year magic mushroom users, found that only 19 individuals (0.2%) sought emergency medical treatment following their use, equating to a per-event risk estimate of 0.06%. This indicates that while magic mushrooms are generally considered safe, there is a small but significant risk of adverse reactions.

Predictors of Adverse Reactions

The study highlighted that young age was the primary predictor for seeking emergency medical treatment, with the most common symptoms being psychological, including anxiety, panic, and paranoia. Factors contributing to these adverse events often included a poor mindset and setting, as well as the concurrent use of other substances.

Harm Reduction Strategies

This research underscores the importance of harm reduction strategies in the context of psychedelic mushroom use. Providing individuals with information on how to safely use these substances, including the importance of choosing a conducive setting and mindset and avoiding the mixing of substances, could significantly reduce the risk of negative experiences.

Implications and Recommendations

Additionally, the study's findings highlight the need for further research into the circumstances and predictors of adverse reactions to magic mushrooms, including rarer physiological reactions. The relatively safe profile of psilocybin mushrooms, coupled with their potential for serious yet rare incidents, calls for a balanced approach to public education on their use, emphasizing both their therapeutic potential and the need for caution to prevent harm.

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