Harm Reduction and Integration Aids Mental Health Providers in Managing Psychedelic Use Risks

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  • March 14, 2021
  • Ingmar Gorman, Elizabeth M. Nielson, Aja Molinar
  • Frontiers in Psychology
  • Harm Reduction and Integration Aids Mental Health Providers in Managing Psychedelic Use Risks
  • Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration: A Transtheoretical Model for Clinical Practice
  • Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI) is a crucial approach that shifts from solely focusing on negative outcomes and abstinence to understanding and accepting patients' choices, providing mental health providers with tools for assessment, preparation, and managing difficult experiences related to psychedelic use.


Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI) represents a novel and holistic approach in clinical practice for individuals using or considering the use of psychedelics, whether in therapeutic settings, for personal growth, or recreational purposes. As public interest and academic research on psychedelics continue to grow, the relevance of PHRI becomes increasingly significant, especially in light of law enforcement's deprioritization of psychedelics and the approval of compassionate use for psychedelic-assisted therapy. This model is timely and essential given the widespread use of psychedelics, their therapeutic potential, and their complex cultural and historical contexts.

Framework of PHRI

PHRI combines elements of harm reduction psychotherapy with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, offering a comprehensive framework that can be applied in both brief and ongoing psychotherapy interactions. This approach marks a departure from traditional paradigms focused solely on the negative outcomes of psychedelic use and abstinence-based treatment models. Instead, PHRI emphasizes compassionate, non-stigmatizing acceptance of individuals' choices regarding psychedelic use. It encourages mental health providers to develop a deep understanding of the unique motivations, experiences, and needs of those who use psychedelics, facilitating a more effective and empathetic therapeutic relationship.

Key Components of PHRI

The model outlines considerations for assessment, preparation, and managing challenging experiences, highlighting the importance of a nuanced approach to psychedelic use. By integrating harm reduction and psychedelic-assisted therapies, PHRI aims to support individuals in safely exploring the potential benefits of psychedelics while minimizing risks. This approach acknowledges the complex interplay between the therapeutic potential of psychedelics, the individual's mental health and well-being, and the broader societal and cultural dimensions of psychedelic use.

Implications for Public Health

For organizations and professionals dedicated to psychedelic harm reduction and public safety, understanding and implementing the PHRI model can enhance efforts to educate the public, support safe use, and reduce the harms associated with psychedelic substances. By adopting a comprehensive, empathetic, and evidence-based approach to psychedelic use, harm reduction advocates can play a critical role in fostering a more informed, responsible, and health-oriented dialogue around these powerful substances (Gorman, Nielson, Molinar, Cassidy, & Sabbagh, 2021).

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