Greater experience with psychedelics associated with use of harm reduction practices

  • SOURCE ▸
  • July 24, 2022
  • Madelene Palmer, Olivia M. Maynard
  • Harm Reduction Journal
  • Greater experience with psychedelics associated with use of harm reduction practices
  • Are you tripping comfortably? Investigating the relationship between harm reduction and the psychedelic experience
  • Increased experience with psychedelics is associated with greater use of harm reduction practices, which are positively linked to emotional breakthroughs and negatively linked to challenging experiences, emphasizing the importance of a safe "set and setting" for enhancing positive effects.

In the realm of psychedelic substance use, a burgeoning interest in both clinical and recreational contexts has sparked debates on the efficacy of harm reduction practices. This mixed methods online survey study illuminates the evolving landscape of psychedelic use, particularly emphasizing the significance of harm reduction measures in recreational settings. With a sample size of 163 participants, the study reveals a notable shift towards increased adoption of harm reduction practices in users' most recent psychedelic experiences compared to their initial encounters with these substances. This shift is not only quantitatively evident but also qualitatively substantiated through users' personal accounts, highlighting the profound impact these substances can have on individuals' well-being and perception of reality.The findings underscore a critical correlation between the use of harm reduction strategies and the quality of the psychedelic experience. Specifically, a positive association is observed with Emotional Breakthrough Inventory (EBI) scores and a negative correlation with Challenging Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) scores, especially for users' first psychedelic encounters. This relationship underscores the potential of harm reduction practices to mitigate negative experiences and enhance positive outcomes, offering a safer and more enriching psychedelic journey.Qualitative insights from the study reveal a deep-seated appreciation for the transformative potential of psychedelics, with many users recounting life-altering experiences that fostered a sense of connectedness and introspection. This sentiment is echoed across narratives that emphasize the significance of the substance consumed, the critical importance of 'set and setting,' and the nuanced understanding of how various factors like solitude or the presence of a guide can influence the psychedelic experience.The study also highlights the nuanced understanding users have developed over time, regarding the specificities of different psychedelics and how these inform harm reduction practices. Experienced users demonstrate a sophisticated grasp of how to navigate the psychedelic landscape safely, underscoring the importance of factors such as drug testing, dose measurement, and the creation of a conducive environment for the experience.This research contributes significantly to the ongoing discourse on psychedelic harm reduction, offering a comprehensive overview of how engagement in these practices evolves with experience. By shedding light on the multifaceted nature of psychedelic use and the critical role of harm reduction, this study provides valuable insights for the development of informed guidelines and advice for both new and seasoned users. It underscores the importance of fostering a safe and positive psychedelic experience, which not only minimizes risks but also maximizes the therapeutic and transformative potential of these substances.

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