Ethical Concerns in Psychedelics Research Impact Safety and Objectivity

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  • November 15, 2022
  • Brent Kious
  • Journal of Psychopharmacology
  • Ethical Concerns in Psychedelics Research Impact Safety and Objectivity
  • Should we be leery of being Leary? Concerns about psychedelic use by psychedelic researchers
  • Personal psychedelic use by researchers could compromise the objectivity and ethical integrity of psychedelic studies, raising concerns about bias and conflict of interest in the field.


In the paper "Should we be leery of being Leary? Concerns about psychedelic use by psychedelic researchers" by Kious, Schwartz, and Lewis (2022), the authors delve into various concerns surrounding the influence of personal psychedelic use by researchers on the integrity and objectivity of psychedelic research. The paper identifies several key issues that could potentially impact the ethical conduct and scientific rigor of studies in this field.

Challenges in Study Design

Among these are the challenges related to study design, such as ensuring adequate blinding and the overrepresentation of participants with prior psychedelic experiences. Furthermore, the paper highlights concerns about whether the personal use of psychedelics by researchers and therapists might introduce biases, lead to the exploitation of research subjects, or result in biased reporting of results.

Impact of Personal Use on Research

The authors argue that while the enthusiasm for the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelics is growing, it is essential to critically examine the ways in which personal experiences with these substances could affect the research landscape. They point out that personal use might not only influence a researcher's approach to studying psychedelics but also their interpretation and presentation of findings.

Mitigating Risks

To mitigate these risks, the paper suggests implementing practical strategies to address and minimize potential conflicts of interest, thereby safeguarding the scientific integrity and ethical standards of psychedelic research.

Importance for Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Safety

This examination is crucial for the field of psychedelic harm reduction and safety. As we navigate the resurgence of interest in psychedelics for therapeutic use, it is imperative to ensure that the research guiding policy and clinical practice is conducted with the utmost rigor and objectivity.


The insights from Kious et al. serve as a valuable reminder of the importance of maintaining ethical standards and scientific objectivity in the exploration of psychedelics' potential. By addressing these concerns, we can better support the responsible advancement of psychedelic science, ensuring that it remains grounded in reliable evidence while also safeguarding the welfare of participants and the credibility of the research community.

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