California psychedelic-related ER admissions rose 54% from 2016-2021

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  • August 20, 2023
  • Steven Tate, Nicolas Garel, Kristin Nash
  • Addiction
  • California psychedelic-related ER admissions rose 54% from 2016-2021
  • Trends in Hallucinogen-associated Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations in California from 2016–2021
  • Emergency department admissions related to psychedelics in California have surged by 69% from 2016 to 2021, underscoring the need for increased safety measures and education.

The study titled "Trends in Hallucinogen-associated Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations in California from 2016-2021" addresses an increasingly relevant public health concern: the rise in emergency department (ED) visits and hospitalizations related to hallucinogen use amidst changing societal attitudes and usage patterns of these substances. The objectives of this research were to identify trends in hallucinogen-related healthcare encounters in California over the specified period, comparing them with trends for alcohol and cannabis-related visits and hospitalizations. The research leveraged public data on diagnosis codes from the California Department of Healthcare Access and Information to achieve its aims.Key findings from the study include:A significant increase in the rate of hallucinogen-associated ED visits was observed, surging by 69% between 2016 and 2021. This contrasts sharply with a 24% decrease in alcohol-related and a marginal 1.9% decrease in cannabis-related ED visits over the same period.Hallucinogen-associated hospitalizations also saw a notable uptick, increasing by 74%. This is compared to an 11% increase in alcohol-associated and a 19% increase in cannabis-associated hospitalizations.The research highlights a concerning trend of growing hallucinogen use, underscored by the substantial, albeit from a low absolute base, increase in related ED visits and hospitalizations. This trend is particularly alarming given the changing public perceptions and increasing recreational use of these substances.The study's results are pivotal for several reasons. Firstly, they signal a pressing need for improved surveillance and monitoring systems to better understand the specific harms and healthcare burdens associated with the diverse group of compounds classified as hallucinogens. Secondly, the findings underscore the importance of public health initiatives focused on education and harm reduction strategies tailored to hallucinogen users. As societal attitudes towards drug use evolve, so too must our approaches to mitigating the associated risks and harms. Finally, the research calls for a nuanced understanding of drug-related health encounters, advocating for a differentiated approach in addressing the challenges posed by various substances, including alcohol, cannabis, and hallucinogens.This summary underscores the critical relevance of the study's findings for informing public awareness, safety, and health policy related to hallucinogen use. As we navigate the complexities of changing drug use patterns, such research is indispensable for guiding effective public health strategies and interventions aimed at reducing the negative health impacts associated with hallucinogen use.For more detailed insights and to access the full study, visit the following link: Trends in Hallucinogen-associated Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations in California from 2016-2021.

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