Ayahuasca Use Can Retrigger Trauma but Reduce Neuroticism

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  • June 9, 2023
  • Brandon Weiss, Aleksandra Wingert, David Erritzoe
  • Scientific Reports
  • Ayahuasca Use Can Retrigger Trauma but Reduce Neuroticism
  • Prevalence and therapeutic impact of adverse life event reexperiencing under ceremonial ayahuasca
  • The ceremonial use of ayahuasca often leads to the reexperiencing of adverse life events, particularly among women, veterans, and individuals with PTSD, which is associated with cognitive reappraisal, psychological flexibility, and discomfort, but also results in significant reductions in trait neuroticism.


Ayahuasca, a natural psychoactive brew traditionally used in ceremonies within the Amazon basin, has attracted global attention for its potential therapeutic benefits.

Study Overview

A notable study examining its use in a ceremonial context at a retreat center in the Peruvian Amazon involved 63 participants. This study documented significant decreases in scores for depression and anxiety post-retreat, with further improvements or sustained benefits at a 6-month follow-up. Additionally, increases in self-compassion were observed.

Findings and Implications

These psychometric improvements were linked to changes in memory valence, although the study's epigenetic findings were inconclusive, suggesting areas for future research. This evidence supports ayahuasca's potential positive impact on mental health when used within a structured ceremonial context. It highlights the need for further investigation into its clinical applications and mechanisms of action (Ruffell et al., 2021).

Harm Reduction Perspective

From a harm reduction perspective, understanding the context and setting of ayahuasca use is crucial for minimizing risks and maximizing therapeutic benefits. The study provides valuable insights into how ceremonial use, when properly conducted, can offer lasting improvements in mental health. This aligns with harm reduction principles by emphasizing the importance of set (mental state), setting (physical and social environment), and integration processes in the use of psychedelics. As interest in ayahuasca grows outside traditional settings, ensuring informed guidance, preparation, and follow-up becomes essential for public safety and the effective use of ayahuasca in therapeutic, spiritual, or personal growth contexts.

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