40% Psychedelic Users Face Challenges, 7.6% Seek Long-Term Treatment

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  • September 27, 2016
  • Theresa M Carbonaro, Matthew P Bradstreet, Frederick S Barrett
  • British Association for Psychopharmacology
  • 40% Psychedelic Users Face Challenges, 7.6% Seek Long-Term Treatment
  • Survey study of challenging experiences after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms: Acute and enduring positive and negative consequences
  • Nearly 40% of individuals using psychedelics may encounter challenging experiences, with 7.6% seeking treatment for long-term psychological symptoms and 16% reporting no ultimate benefit from the experience.


A study by Carbonaro et al. (2016) offers crucial insights into the acute and enduring positive and negative consequences of ingesting psilocybin mushrooms, shedding light on the complexity of psychedelic experiences and their implications for harm reduction.**Challenging Experiences**The survey involved 1,993 individuals who detailed their most psychologically difficult or challenging experience ("bad trip") after consuming psilocybin mushrooms. A significant portion (39%) ranked these experiences among the top five most challenging of their lives.

Risks and Dangers

Alarmingly, 11% of respondents engaged in behaviors that put themselves or others at risk of physical harm, highlighting the critical need for physical comfort and social support during such experiences. Additionally, aggressive or violent behavior was reported by 2.6% of participants, and 2.7% sought medical help, underscoring the potential dangers associated with unsupervised psilocybin use.

Positive Outcomes

Interestingly, despite the challenges, 84% of respondents acknowledged benefits from their experiences, indicating a complex relationship between the difficulties encountered and the positive outcomes. The study found that the difficulty of the experience was associated with enduring increases in well-being, although the duration of the experience was inversely related.

Implications for Harm Reduction

From a harm reduction perspective, these findings emphasize the importance of creating safe, supportive environments for those choosing to use psilocybin mushrooms. Educating potential users about the risks and encouraging the presence of a sober, supportive companion during use could mitigate the chances of harm. Additionally, understanding that difficult experiences might lead to positive personal growth can help guide post-experience support and integration practices.


This study crucially informs the public and professionals involved in psychedelic harm reduction about the dual nature of psilocybin experiences. It underlines the need for thorough preparation, the presence of supportive care, and post-experience integration as fundamental components of safe psychedelic use. By acknowledging both the potential risks and benefits, harm reduction strategies can be better tailored to support individuals in minimizing negative outcomes while maximizing the positive, potentially transformative aspects of psilocybin experiences (Carbonaro et al., 2016).

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