33% Of Surveyed Psychedelic Users Face Long-Term Difficulties

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  • July 14, 2023
  • Jules Evans, Oliver Robinson, Eirini Ketzitzidou-Argyri
  • SSRN
  • 33% Of Surveyed Psychedelic Users Face Long-Term Difficulties
  • Extended Difficulties Following the Use of Psychedelic Drugs: A Mixed Methods Study
  • One third of 608 surveyed psychedelic users experienced extended difficulties such as anxiety, social disconnection, and visual distortions for over a year, with one sixth suffering for more than three years, indicating that harm can occur even in 'safe' therapeutic or clinical settings, as evidenced by the 8% who had such experiences.


Psychedelic drugs, substances known for their profound effects on consciousness, perception, and mood, have long fascinated both the scientific community and the public. While their therapeutic potentials are increasingly recognized, the focus has often been on their immediate and transformative experiences. However, not all outcomes are positive or short-lived.

Study Overview

A comprehensive study, "Extended difficulties following the use of psychedelic drugs: A mixed methods study" by Evans et al. (2023), delves into the less explored territory of long-term adverse experiences post-psychedelic use, highlighting the complexities and risks associated with these substances.


This study is pivotal for understanding the risks associated with psychedelic drugs, particularly for harm reduction efforts and informing the public and professionals about safe use practices. It reveals that a significant number of individuals experience extended difficulties, ranging from anxiety and existential struggles to depersonalization, long after the acute effects of psychedelics have subsided.

Implications for Harm Reduction

This information is crucial for organizations focused on psychedelic harm reduction and safety. It emphasizes the necessity of educating users about the risks associated with psychedelic use, particularly the potential for long-lasting psychological challenges.

Importance of Setting

The study found that difficulties were less likely or less prolonged when users had knowledge of the dose and type of drug consumed, and significantly, when the drugs were taken in a guided setting.

Broader Understanding and Risk Management

Moreover, the findings contribute to a broader understanding of psychedelic safety and risk management. They highlight the need for thorough preparation and informed decision-making for individuals considering psychedelic experiences.


In summary, while the resurgence of interest in psychedelics brings hope for their therapeutic potential, the study by Evans et al. serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities involved. It underscores the imperative of approaching psychedelic use with caution, informed knowledge, and support to navigate the profound, and sometimes prolonged, challenges that may arise.

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