12% Of Surveyed Ayahuasca Users Suffer Long-Term Impairment

  • SOURCE ▸
  • November 16, 2022
  • José Carlos Bouso, Óscar Andión, Jerome J. Sarris
  • PLOS
  • 12% Of Surveyed Ayahuasca Users Suffer Long-Term Impairment
  • Adverse effects of ayahuasca: Results from the Global Ayahuasca Survey
  • 12% of ayahuasca users experience functional impairment lasting over a day, often leading to seeking psychological help, with common adverse effects including social disconnection, anxiety, low mood, and feeling energetically attacked.

Adverse Effects of Ayahuasca: Insights from the Global Ayahuasca Survey


The paper "Adverse effects of ayahuasca: Results from the Global Ayahuasca Survey" provides crucial insights into the physical and psychological effects of ayahuasca, a plant-based decoction with a long history of use in traditional medicine and contemporary spiritual practices. Key Findings:Utilizing data from an online survey with 10,836 participants from over 50 countries, the study highlights the prevalence and nature of ayahuasca's adverse effects while also shedding light on its perceived benefits and the context in which it is used.

Physical Adverse Effects

The findings reveal that a significant portion of ayahuasca users experience acute physical adverse effects, primarily vomiting, with a small percentage requiring medical attention.Mental Health Effects:In terms of mental health, while a majority report adverse mental health effects following consumption, a substantial proportion view these effects as part of a positive growth or integration process, with some seeking professional support.Risk Factors:The study identifies factors associated with increased risk of adverse effects, such as older age at first use, existing physical health conditions, higher frequency of use, previous substance use disorder diagnoses, and unsupervised consumption contexts.

Context and Setting

Consumption in religious settings was associated with fewer mental health adverse effects, underscoring the importance of context and setting in ayahuasca use.Implications for Harm Reduction:These findings are pivotal for the field of psychedelic harm reduction and public safety, emphasizing the need for careful consideration of individual health status, the setting of use, and the importance of supervision or guidance during ayahuasca ceremonies.


The study provides evidence-based insights that can inform guidelines and practices aimed at minimizing risks and supporting the well-being of participants in ayahuasca ceremonies. It also highlights the importance of further research into the variables that may predict adverse effects and the therapeutic potentials of ayahuasca.

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