Rising police seizures of psilocybin mushrooms underscore need for harm reduction

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  • February 6, 2024
  • Dennis Thompson
  • The New York Times
  • Seizures of Psychedelic Mushrooms Rise in U.S. as Demand Grows
  • Increase in police seizures of psilocybin-containing mushrooms in the United States highlights the need for heightened harm reduction efforts and education on safe recreational use of psychedelics.

A recent study led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the National Drug Early Warning System revealed a significant increase in seizures of psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, by law enforcement officials in the United States. The study found that seizures of psilocybin increased by 369 percent from 2017 to 2022, indicating a potential rise in availability and public awareness of the drug. The amount of seized drugs nearly quadrupled during this time frame.While psilocybin has shown promise in clinical settings for treating conditions like alcohol use disorder and PTSD, its recreational use is also on the rise. The study highlights the need for heightened prevention efforts and harm reduction education to address potential risks associated with unsupervised use of psilocybin. The findings also underscore the importance of understanding how decriminalization efforts may be impacting the use and availability of the drug.The study, published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, analyzed data from the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program and categorized psilocybin seizures by region. The Midwest and West regions had the highest number of confiscations, with the West accounting for the greatest proportion of seized drugs. These results emphasize the need for further research on the changing availability and popularity of psilocybin, as well as its impact on recreational users.

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