Psychedelics beneficial in clinical settings, but misuse can cause harm.

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  • September 5, 2023
  • Jonathan Iliff
  • Metro
  • I’ve seen people self-medicate with psychedelics and the effects worry me
  • Psychedelics can be effective for mental health, but their use outside clinical settings can lead to serious harm, including the onset of mental illnesses like psychosis.

The abstract discusses the potential benefits and risks of using psychedelics, particularly psilocybin, for mental health conditions. While early evidence suggests that psilocybin may be effective for various mental health problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, and addiction, there are also risks associated with their use. The author, a medical doctor specializing in psychiatry, shares cases of patients who developed serious mental illnesses as a result of using psychedelics in non-clinical settings. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding that psychedelics can create powerful experiences that may cause harm, especially when not taken in a controlled environment. While psychedelics may offer hope for treating mental health conditions, there is a need for caution and further research to determine their safety and efficacy. The author warns against the hype surrounding psychedelics and highlights the potential dangers of reckless recreational use. Overall, the abstract underscores the complexity of using psychedelics for mental health treatment and the importance of informed decision-making, responsible use, and harm reduction strategies in order to minimize risks and maximize benefits.

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