Education, support key for harm reduction in psychedelic safety awareness

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  • November 14, 2023
  • Jules Evans
  • Ecstatic Integration
  • What comes after the war on drugs?
  • Proper public education about risks and harms, along with support for those affected, are crucial components of harm reduction in the context of psychedelic safety.

The abstract discusses the failure of the 'war on drugs' and the need for a post-prohibition society. It highlights the shift in public opinion towards decriminalization of cannabis and psychedelics, as well as the emergence of safe injection sites. The focus is on the need for new regulatory frameworks to ensure the legal and safe use of drugs. Transform, a UK-based drug reform NGO, is mentioned as a leading think-tank on drug decriminalization and legalization. The organization's director, Steve Rolles, co-authored a book on regulating psychedelic drugs, emphasizing the importance of proper public education on risks and harms, as well as support for those affected. The interview with Steve Rolles delves into the need for rational regulation, balancing public health, human rights, and commercial interests. The discussion also touches on the challenges of implementing and enforcing regulations, particularly in the context of cannabis legalization in New York. The conversation extends to the importance of harm reduction initiatives, funding sources for public education, and the vulnerability of individuals under the influence of psychedelics. The potential impact of legalizing cocaine in addressing cartel power in Latin America is also explored. Overall, the abstract underscores the complexities of drug regulation, the need for comprehensive harm reduction strategies, and the challenges of transitioning to a post-prohibition society.

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